Swisse Brain Nutrition

As the hungriest organ in your body, your brain needs fuel to help you stay alert and focused throughout the day. Whether you’re battling with mild fatigue, struggling to keep up with the demands of everyday life or you’re in a high-stress environment, Swisse Ultiboost Brain Nutrition range is here to help.

  1. Memory + Focus
    Swisse Ultiboost
    Memory + Focus
    50 Tablets
  2. Mega B+
    Swisse Ultiboost
    Mega B+
    60 Tablets
  3. Perform Brain Nutrition New!
    Swisse Ultiboost
    Perform Brain Nutrition
    60 Tablets
  4. Focus Brain Nutrition New!
    Swisse Ultiboost
    Focus Brain Nutrition
    60 Tablets

What is a Nootropic supplement?

Nootropics supplements, also known as cognitive enhancers, are a supplement designed to boost mental performance, maintain focus, enhance memory and support energy production.  

These brain power supplements often contain a combination of natural compounds and nutrients backed by science, known as a ‘stack.’ Nootropic supplements are formulated with a tailored blend of nutrients to feed the brain, like B vitamins, Rhaodiola, Green Tea and CEREBOOST® (American ginseng).

These nootropic stacks support optimal mental performance, support energy production and provide several key benefits, including:

- Learning and memory enhancement

- Supporting brain function and performance under physical and mental stress

- Increasing alertness and attention

- Supporting overall brain health

The different types of
Nootropic supplements 

At Swisse, we’ve designed three formulas to help improve your mental performance, maintain your focus, enhance memory and provide an energy lift. 

Our Focus Nootropics can be taken daily to provide daily energy and cognitive benefits needed to navigate a busy and demanding modern lifestyle, with nutrients to support cognitive performance function. Complete with CEREBOOST®, B vitamins and phosphatidylserine, enjoy enhanced concentration and memory.

The Stress Control Nootropics is designed to be taken an hour before high-pressure situations that cause mental and physical stress. Containing l-theanine (green tea) and iron, this formula contains caffeine to help increase mental alertness and rhodiola to support healthy stress recovery.

The Memory Nootropics stack can be taken daily to support brain health by boosting mental performance and increasing memory recall. Formulated with cognigrape to help maintain focus and B vitamins to support prolonged cognitive function.

If you’re after a collection of nootropics Australia loves, look no further than the Swisse range. Browse the selection online and find the best nootropics to support your brain health. 

Always read the label and follow the directions for use.

Nootropics FAQ

Do any nootropics actually work?

There’s evidence to suggest that certain nootropics may boost cognitive performance, help maintain focus and improve memory1. For example, caffeine is one of the most widely consumed nootropic substances, stimulating the nervous system and increasing alertness2. That said, the effects of some nootropic ingredients still requires further investigation. 

What is the most effective nootropic?

There are a number of different natural nootropics that are designed to feed the brain and enhance everyday mental performance. In particular, B vitamins help to boost mental energy and improve concentration and clarity. It’s for this reason that we’ve formulated each of our Nootropic enhancers with B vitamins, along with a range of other brain-loving ingredients.

What nootropics work right away?

Some nootropics, like caffeine and L-Theanine (green tea), are believed to have fast-acting effects, especially when it comes to supporting brain energy levels. However, most nootropic supplements provide the best results after an extended period of use3   


1. Alcohol and Drug Foundation. Cognitive enhancers - Alcohol and Drug Foundation [Internet]. 2021. Available from:
2. Cappelletti S, Daria P, Sani G, Aromatario M. Caffeine: Cognitive and Physical Performance Enhancer or Psychoactive Drug? Current Neuropharmacology [Internet]. 2015;13(1):71–88. Available from:
3. Malík M, Tlustoš P. Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Types, Dosage and Side Effects of Smart Drugs. Nutrients [Internet]. 2022 Jan 1;14(16):3367. Available from:
